If you have a gambling related project or website, please make sure to provide info and help advice to your visitors on gambling problems. You may use any of below imagery to link to gamblingAID and its resources. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TOO!
Feel free to include the GamblingAid logo and resize it to your specifications to better integrate them with your website or projects:
GamblingAid - transparent background
Copy the following code:
<a href="https://www.gamblingaid.org/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/gamblingaid.png" alt="gamblingaid.org" width="102" height="30"></a>
18 Plus - transparent background / various text colors
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-red.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-black.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-orange.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-white.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
18 Plus - various background colors
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-redbk.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-blackbk.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-orangebk.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-whitebk.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-redbk2.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/18plus-rw.png" alt="18+" width="30" height="30">
21 Plus - transparent background / various text colors
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/21plus-red.png" alt="21+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/21plus-rw.png" alt="21+" width="30" height="30">
24 Plus - transparent background / various text colors
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/24plus-red.png" alt="24+" width="30" height="30">
Copy the following code:
<img src="https://www.gamblingaid.org/hotlink-ok/24plus-rw.png" alt="24+" width="30" height="30">
Further to these logos, there are more requirements based on the country targeted. Please check below list of country specific inclusions.
Below we are providing you with a list of links and logos which should be embedded on your website, specific to each country targeted.
You can copy the embed code directly on your website and alter the image sizes as required.